Indonesia is a country rich with biodiversity, one of them are herbal plants. Herbal plants have benefits and are valued more, they are often used as alternative medications. However, The Indonesian community’s knowledge of the benefits of herbal plants continues to decrease. To solve this problem, five students of IPB University created a green souvenir in the form of a herbal plant seedling in order to increase the existence of these plants. Those five students were Deo Prastyo, Tri Widya Putri, Ainur Rahmah, Yoga Dwi Syahputra, and Muhammad Surya Fadhlurrohman. This green souvenir product is in the form of round herbal plant seedlings created by the team as an idea for the Creative Student Entrepreneurship Program (PKM-K) with the title “SEBAP” (Seed Bombs Herbal Plants): A Seedling-Based Green Souvenir Innovation In Increasing the Existence of Indonesian Herbal Plants.” This PKM-K was under the supervision of an IPB University lecturer, Muhammad Baihaqi, S.Pt, M.Sc.