a. Green Movement Campaign
The Green Movement consists of five collaborative movements to realize the IPB Green Campus 2020. The five collaborative movements are: (1) Healthy Canteen Ecolabelling, (2) Procurement of Tumblers and Ecobags (Go-Teco), (3) Plastic Elimination Policy on Campus ( Caring for Environment), (4) Standardization of Trash Cans, and (5) Thematic Day (#Hayu Atuh Movement).
Read full article: https://greencampus.ipb.ac.id/green-movement/
b. Hygiene Procedures and Restrictions on the Use of Plastic
The hygiene and Restriction of Plastic Use Procedures aim to provide guidance in the environmental hygiene aspects of PKSPL-IPB as well as restrictions on the use of plastic in office activities.
Procedure form: http://pkspl.ipb.ac.id/download/file/Prosedur_Pembatasan_Plastik.pdf