Center for Halal Science, Research and Community Empowerment Center (LPPM) IPB University invites its civitas academics to utilize the laboratory facilities, namely a Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), a RotorGene Q5 Plex from Qjagen which is owned by the Halal Science Center (HSC). PCR is a widely used method in molecular biology to create copies of DNA segments specifically. “We are very open if there are IPB University’s academics who want to use it (resource-sharing) or partner with us to use the Real-Time PCR,” said the Secretary of Center of Halal Science, Dr. rer. Nat. Noviyan Darmawan in the Workshop of Real-Time PCR and Its Application, June 25th-26th, 2019, in Baranangsiang Campus, Bogor.