The Scientist of IPB: the Production of Antibacterial Compound of Siamese gourami (Trichogaster sp.) Bekasam

Bekasam is an Indonesian fermented fish product that tastes sour and mostly contains lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Bekasam is a popular food in Central Java, South Sumatra and South Kalimantan, and other places of Indonesia. Generally the production of bekasam involves a spontaneous, fermentation process of freshwater fish, supplemented by salt, and rice or fermented cassava. This product is made by mixing fish, rice, and salt in a closed container and then fermentation process is done at room temperature between 5 to 7 days. Lactic acid bacteria LAB is the dominant microorganism found in fermented fish. Lactic acid bacteria has been used as biopreservatives because it produce safe number of antibacterial substances and has inhibitory activity against enteropatogenic bacteria.

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